Nathalie Harvey
A propos
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Nathalie Harvey
Exposition Galerie Arnaud Bard jusqu’au 31 Mai 2019
92 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, 92100 Boulogne
Lovely being
91 x 73 cm
White rabbit
81 x 65 cm
Tying the night original
146 x 114 cm
Happy fingers
161 x 97 cm
Sitting beauty
170 x 170 cm
Sweet dreams
146 x 114 cm
Tying the night
146 x 114 cm
Repeat after me
146 x 114 cm
Lovely little stop on my trip
116 x 89 cm
130 x 81 cm
Don’t joke with a hungry man
100 x 81 cm
Raw honey
116 x 89 cm
sans titre
59 x 47 cm
Exposition à la galerie Arnaud Bard
Exposition à la Galerie Arnaud Bard du 11-10-2018 au 31-10-2018
Exposition du 11-10-2018 au 31-10-2018
Where is my mind
200 x 165 cm
146 x 114 cm
Today my name is queen
215 x 165 cm
Queen of cyprus was a hip hop lover
146 x 114 cm
64 x 80 cm
65 x 80 cm
Where is my clown
150 x 150 cm
Where is my mind !?
Nathalie Harvey s’affiche au LuckyBastard
La Vie Sauvage
Treize bis & Nathalie Harvey as guest artist
I see you
150 x 150 cm
Profondément (es)
Du Dimanche 14 février, de 13h à 22h, au Dimanche 21 Février, ouvert de 13h à 19h , fermé Lundi
Ghee wizz, another man pointing at his dick, 1
194 x 114 cm
Ghee wizz, another man pointing at his dick 2
194 x 114 cm
A Poil ! ,
Treize bis, Claire Courdavault, Nathalie Harvey, Bertrand Martineau, Sivan Rubinstein, Nadia Yosmayan.
Nathalie Harvey
165 x 200 cm
Sticky too
165 x 200
Doll house
150 x 150 cm
97 x 174 cm
65 x 81 cm
65 x 81 cm
Space is only noise 2
130 x 80cm
Trust me
73 x 100 cm
Cello Lesson 1, (When I was Avishai Cohen’s Cello)
114 x 194 cm
Dick 1, (3 men pointing at their dick)
114 x 194 cm
Dick 2, (3 men pointing at their dick)
114 x 194 cm
Dick 3 (3 men pointing at their dick)
114 x 194 cm
Danseuse 2
170 x 170 cm
Lovely 4
90 x 116cm
194 x 114cm
Lovely 3
90 x 116 cm
Lovely 2
89 x 115cm
Fucking Lonely
150 x 150cm
150 x 150cm
Sticky Fingers
194 x 228 cm , Diptyque
Space is only noise
150 x 75
Fucking Lovely
150 x 150 cm
Celebrating happiness
160 x 130 cm
Fight For your Art
Et la tendresse, Bordel!
198 x 97 cm
Henry (Ford)
194 x 114 cm
« Le petit singe qui tire la langue au serpent, what do you mean said the lovely lady of the roses. »
Home Sweet Home
Et aussi ;
Chopin was a hip hop lover
75x 75 cm
Stinky fingers
150 x 150cm
Le petit singe qui tire la langue au serpent, (little monkey sticking his tongue out o the snake)
75 x 150cm
Sticky fingers
150 x 150cm
Do you love me as much as I love me?
194 x 114cm
Is a good idea
160 x 130cm
Where is my ring?
150 x 150 cm
Rien 2
114 x 98 cm
Less is more
194 x 114cm
194 x 114cm
Tributes, Je ne voudrai pas crever avant d’avoir courru des kilomêtres de vie en Rose
228 x 114cm, Diptyque
Where is Mighty?
150 x 150cm
194 x 114cm
194 x 114cm
Creatures Embrace
150 x 150 cm
150 x 150cm
meninas 2
194 x 114cm
Meninas 1
194 x 114cm
146 x 228cm, Diptyque
194 x 228cm
Just a kiss
228 x 164cm, Diptyque
228 x 164cm, Dyotique
This way copie
228 x 164cm, Diptyque
114 x 162cm, Diptyque
228 x 164cm, Diptyque
226 x 146cm, Diptyque
Auto sauteuse
228 x 164cm, Diptyque
tueuse 8
madone Fumante
146 x 97 cm
tueuse 2
216 x 89 cm
Fumeuse 1
160 x 97 cm
Joconde 8
211 x 146cm, Diptyque
Joconde 7
146 x 97 cm
Little Hands, 230 x 170 cm
Joconde 6
146 x 97 cm
146 x 89cm
173 x 100 cm
Joconde 2
146 x 97 cm
146 x 89cm
tueuse 7
200 x 100 cm, Diptyque
tueuse Pantin
240 x 80cm